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Night Shift

  • Israel
  • Documentary
  • 2013
  • 48 min.
  • Director(s): Itamar Chen
  • Producer(s): Aurit Zamir, Yoav Roeh


One neighborhood, one cop, one night. The story of Israel’s toughest neighborhood through one night with the local cop. The neighborhood is home to the largest community of Ethiopian immigrants in the country and Rafi Mells is the only cop in charge of it. Unlike most cops, whose task is to maintain law and order, Rafi’s work revolves around helping his community to adapt to life in Israel.

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Itamar Chen


Aurit Zamir, Yoav Roeh


Itamar Chen, Arik Lahav-Leibovitch


Phillippe Bellaiche


Arik Lahav-Leibovitch

Original Language

Hebrew, Amharic


Hebrew, English

Produced with the help of

Yes docu, New Fund for Film and TV, Gesher Foundation

Festival Highlights

  • Jury Mention
    Haifa International Film Festival

East Bay Jewish Film Festival, USA, 2015

Sardinia International Ethnographic Film Festival, Italy, 2014

Haifa International Film Festival, Israel, 2013


  • "If you are looking for a movie about good people, about people who do above and beyond for their community, this movie is for you. It will lift your spirit knowing that there are good policemen out there working hard for their community, not looking for recognition, just wanting to help others."
    - Gideon, On Jewish Matters