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Last Stop

  • Israel
  • Documentary
  • 2014
  • 76 min.
  • Director(s): Julie Shles
  • Producer(s): Shula Spiegel, Dana Eden


A vast and perplexing labyrinth lies right in the heart of Tel Aviv, the Central Bus Station. Living in and around it are thousands of refugees, children of migrant workers with no identity of their own and impoverished Israeli families who feel like strangers in their homes. A gritty and mesmerizing picture of a city in transition.

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Julie Shles


Shula Spiegel, Dana Eden


Julie Shles, Sharon Elovic


Yitzhak Portal, Vitali Krivich, Reuven Brodsky, Fima Shlik, Rami Katzav


Sharon Elovic

Original Language

Hebrew, English


Hebrew, English

Produced with the help of

Makor Foundation, Yes Docu

Sound designer

Aviv Aldema


Oshri Hayun, Fima Shlik, Sarah Tziphroni

Festival Highlights

  • Winner

    Best Research Award
    DocAviv Film Festival

Copenhagen Jewish Film Festival, Denmark, 2016

ETHNOCINECA Film Festival, Austria, 2015

FIFE/Festival International du Film d'Environnement , France, 2015

Santa Barbara International Film Festival, USA, 2015

JAYU Human Rights Film Festival, Canada, 2014

Telas TV Festival, Brazil, 2014

Inconvenient Films 2014 Lithuanian Centre for Human Rights , Lithuania, 2014

Docaviv International Film Festival, Israel, 2014


  • "Gritty, seamy, violent, and mesmerizing. It is a documentary in the best tradition of the urban expose."
    - Esra Magazine, Helen Schary Motro
  • "The film dives courageously into a perplexing labyrinth and curating a cast of unique characters, who together form a disturbing picture of a city in transition"
    - DocAviv Jury Statement