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  • Israel
  • Feature
  • 2022
  • 84 min.
  • Director(s): Dan Wolman
  • Producer(s): Dan Wolman, Amir Gedalia


Based on the best-selling novel by Amos Oz, which tells the story of Shmuel Ash who takes a job as companion to the elderly Gershom Wald.
The two grapple about Jesus’s humanity and the betrayal of Judas Iscariot, the subject of Shmuel’s thesis. Things get complicated when Shmuel falls in love with Wald’s widow daughter-in-law, Atalia. A tangle of relationships that also touches on the issues of the roots of anti-Semitism, the origins of the Jewish-Arab conflict, and the complex reality in Israel.

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Dan Wolman


Dan Wolman, Amir Gedalia


Shoshi Wolman


Dani Schneor


Eyal Amir


Yuval Livni, Einav Markal, Doron Tavori

Original Language



Hebrew, English

Produced with the help of

The Yehoshua Rabinovich Fllm Foundation

Sound designer

Eva Spitkovsky

Festival Highlights

Madrid International Film Festival, Spain, Official Competition, 2023

Haifa International Film Festival, Israel, Official Selection, 2022


  • "Amos Oz's last novel Judas was beautifully adapted to film by Dan Wolman. Actor Yuval Livni delivers a captivating performance in this modest film about big ideas that leaves an echo…"
    - Yael Shuv, Time Out
  • "Praise goes to actor Doron Tavori who delivers an outstanding chilling performance, while actors Livni and Markel are both excellent... So happy to see Wolman, the oldest filmmaker working in Israeli cinema today, now 80 years old, at the height of his power"
    - Shmuel Duvdevani, Ynet
  • "Quietly, patiently, with human love, Dan Wolman follows his characters, penetrating their souls. A beautiful film."
    - Eitan Weitz, Cinema With a Clear Mind
  • "One of the wisest, most touching Israeli films I've watched recently "
    - Ron Fogel, Seret
  • "A unique, emotional, and thought-provoking cinematic experience"
    - Shani Litman, Haaretz
  • "An impressive movie"
    - Hannah Brown, The Jerusalem Post