Front Window

  • Israel
  • Feature
  • 1993
  • 33 min.
  • Director(s): Aner Preminger
  • Producer(s): Aner Preminger


A stills photographer, an obsessive film buff, is locked inside his falling apart car on his way to his own wedding. The more he struggles to release himself from the seatbelt, the slimmer his chances get to free himself. He cuts himself with a sharp knife found in the car, the window handle breaks and the door cannot be opened.


Finally the municipal inspectors, furious with him for refusing to open the window to them, clamp his wheels and walk away not realizing that he is quite helpless. All this is happening while the bride is waiting on the balcony across the road, not knowing what to make of her groom’s failing to show up.
Once the photographer resigns to his entrapment and stops fighting it, he discovers the pleasure of the freedom to observe the world. Reality blends with fantasy and all of a sudden he sees the outside world as fragments from history of film. Finally when an extremely attractive woman photographer notices him, and they proceed to take pictures of each other, she turns out to be the only one who can get him out of his car. At this point he is no longer sure he wants to get out of the car trap straight into the trap of wedlock.


This is a surprisingly amusing homage to Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window, while at the same time leafing through the album of film History. Entirely non verbal, it is a sort of modern silent movie with sound effects and music

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Aner Preminger


Aner Preminger

Executive Producer(s)

Nachshon Exelrod


Aner Preminger


Yaacov Eisenman


Ami Druzd

Original Music

Shalom Weinstein


Avi Abutbul Kedar, Shosh Mrarciano, Israel Gurion, Alon Abutbul, Gabi Sushan