This website, (“The Site“), was established and is owned by GO2FILMS (hereinafter also “GO2FILMS”), with offices in 37/8 Issar Natanzon St. Jerusalem Israel, e-mail: [email protected]
- General Provisions
1.1. The titles and headings in this document are for convenience only and may not be used for the interpretation of any of the following provisions.
1.3. Please read the following provisions carefully as they apply to every use you make of the site. These rules constitute a binding legal agreement for any issue, discussion or dealing you may have with GO2FILMS.
1.4. If you disagree with any of the following conditions, please do not use this site. If you do use this site, you are consenting to the terms and provisions hereunder.
1.5. This site is reserved for the sole use of legally competent adults.
1.6. The terms of use of the content made available on this site is governed by the License provisions hereunder and must not be used for any other purpose other than the allowed scope of the License. ANY USE OUTSIDE THE SCOPE OF THE LICENSE MAY CONSTITUTE AN INFRINGMENT OF COPYTRIGHT OR OTHER TORTIUOS ACTIONS.
1.7. By using this site, you expressly undertake not make any inappropriate or unlawful use of the site and its contents, and that you will not take any action that is prohibited by this Terms of Use document and the scope of the license.
1.8. GO2FILMS is entitled to cancel, in its sole discretion, any user that it shall consider as violating the rules of the terms of use or the scope of the license, without derogating from any other action and/or remedy at its disposal against infringers.
1.9. The content made available on this site is presented by GO2FILMS ‘as-is’, and as supplied by producers and/or copyright owner of the content. GO2FILMS is not responsible for any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks of copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates privacy and/or confidentiality under any laws. By using this site, you hereby waive any of the above mentioned causes of action you may have against GO2FILMS for distributing and or making available the content.
1.10. If you do feel that you may have any such cause/s of action, you are required to notify GO2FILMS of you claim and GO2FILMS reserves the rights to remove or modify any Content on the site for any reason without explanation. Requests for Content to be removed or modified will be undertaken only at GO2FILMS’s discretion. Removal or modification shall be the only remedy supplied by GO2FILMS to a notice of a user in such event. Denial of GO2FILMS to a notice requesting removal or modification shall not impose any liability on GO2FILMS which shall remain vested with producers of the content or copyright holder/s.
- Terms of use of the Licensed Content
2.1. In registering your account, you will be required to declare your identity, as a Private License or otherwise an Educational License, required by a representative of an educational institute acting under a delegation or a proxy.
Private License – shall mean License to make use of the Content for personal, ‘home viewing’ only (with family members and friends), non-commercial, non-redistributable home use only. Under the terms of the Private License, you shall not be allowed to exhibit the content in public or in any public venues like classrooms, cinema halls etc., nor retransmit the content by any method (such as through cable or satellite channels etc.).
Educational Digital License – shall mean License to make use of the content for exhibition for educational purposes only to formal students in classes of no more than 50 students by physical screenings by the specific Licensed Educational institute only, at venues or halls which are on the premises of that institute.
Under the terms of the Educational License, the institute must be a university, school and/or academy and/or a library and/or a museum and/or any other educational or cultural entity, which are formally recognized and/or sponsored by the local ministry of education or culture (or any other equivalent government authority) of the country of origin.
Under this Educational License, Licensee is not allowed to sub-license the license, nor to make use of the film in on-line courses or as part of on-line lectures of any kind and is not allowed to make the content available to any remote access viewers.
Public Screening License – shall mean License to make use of the content for exhibition for educational purposes of more than 50 students by physical screenings by the specific Licensed Educational institute only, at venues or halls which are on the premises of that institute.
Under the terms of the Educational License, the institute must be a university, school and/or academy and/or a library and/or a museum and/or any other educational or cultural entity, which are formally recognized and/or sponsored by the local ministry of education or culture (or any other equivalent government authority) of the country of origin.
Under this Public Screening License, Licensee is not allowed to sub-license the license, nor to make use of the film in on-line courses or as part of on-line lectures of any kind and is not allowed to make the content available to any remote access viewers.
Online Screening License – shall mean License to make use of the content for exhibition for educational purposes of more than 50 students via an online screening by the specific Licensed Educational institute only.
Under the terms of the Educational License, the institute must be a university, school and/or academy and/or a library and/or a museum and/or any other educational or cultural entity, which are formally recognized and/or sponsored by the local ministry of education or culture (or any other equivalent government authority) of the country of origin.
Under this Online Screening License, Licensee is not allowed to sub-license the license, nor to make use of the film in on-line courses or as part of on-line lectures of any kind and is not allowed to make the content available to any remote access viewers.
Neither Licenses allow you to copy, reproduce, publish, make changes to, publicly display or otherwise use the Content, photos and illustrations in the site, and you may not redistribute, or otherwise make available and/or create any derivative of the content in whole or in part, or any elements thereof, or otherwise display and/or transfer the content, and you may not make any other use of the content outside the scope of the License (elements in the website included), unless GO2FILMS provided explicit, written consent to any such action.
2.2. Any other use which is not explicitly mentioned in the Terms of the License above, must require a specific permission from GO2FILMS.
2.4. These terms may be changed at any time with 7 days prior email notice.
2.5. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not register, or use this Service. If you wish to close your account, please contact us.
2.6. GO2FILMS shall not be liable for unintentional errors in the site such as text errors, erroneous descriptions.
- User account and registration/purchasing form.
3.1. The User account and registration/purchasing form will require you to provide the following information: First name, last name, Educational Institute’s name, address, city, zip code, phone number, email, payment details and any other necessary information for the procurement of a tax invoice or a receipt.
3.2. You will also be asked to choose the relevant license.
3.3. Providing false information is a criminal offense according to Israeli law. Please provide correct and accurate personal details, as well as the correct license you require.
3.4. If the information you provided within the Form is incorrect, GO2FILMS will not be liable for its faulty execution.
3.5. As the User account and registration and purchase of the License is made and executed online, there may disruptions or errors in the submission and execution process. If you receive an error notice or encounter any other problem within the registration and/or purchasing process, please call or email GO2FILMS to resolve the matter.
- Confirmation of Your Purchase
4.1. Your purchase will be confirmed in writing, via an e-mail from GO2FILMS to the e-mail address you provided in the form.
4.2. The confirmation e-mail will be sent within 3 (three) business days upon the receipt of the order. GO2FILMS shall have the discretion to reject the purchase, for any reason.
4.3. Upon receipt of your form as well as the required approval of the payment, your purchase shall be considered approved, and content shall be sent to you within 3 business days.
4.4. Purchase of content via streaming or VOD shall be made available upon confirmation of payment.
- Payments
5.1. Payments of the License fees shall be subject to the rules and regulations of PayPal or any other third party involved in the payment process (such as credit card companies etc.).
5.2. GO2FILMS will not be liable for delays of confirmation for reasons beyond its control, including force majeure, strikes, technical problems, slowdowns in the mail system, third parties payments platforms, and so forth.
5.3. GO2FILMS will not confirm registration and purchase to any user which their address was not approved through the PayPal system or if a mailbox (P.O.Box) is not a valid address.
- Cancellation Policy
6.1. Cancellation policy set forth below applies only to confirmed Purchases.
6.2. VOD / VIMEO purchase is non-refundable.
6.3. If you wish to cancel purchase of an Educational License, please contact GO2FILMS in writing, via e-mail. GO2FILMS will either refuse to authorize a refund or allow it, in which case you will receive detailed instructions of refund. Purchaser will be liable for any tax and return shipment payments that may be required in connection to a refund. GO2FILMS will be entitled to pay the aforementioned taxes on her and your behalf and deduct them from your refund.
6.4. The refund will be approved against proper documentation which would confirm that identify the buyer as the person who is requesting the refund and against the original invoice.
6.5. GO2FILMS shall not be liable, nor will accept a cancellation of a purchase unless cancellation notice was given within 7 days from the day the receipt of the file by the purchaser.
- Privacy
7.1. Your personal details, email address and all other details included in your form are for billing and correspondence, tracking and monitoring your use of the content. GO2FILMS and/or User might be requested to disclose such information to third parties involved in the transactions (such as PayPal, Vimeo, credit companies etc.).
7.2. GO2FILMS will refrain, whenever possible, from disclosing such information to third parties unless forced to do so by virtue of a judicial order or an infringement claim. In addition, in the case of a legal dispute or a legal action which involves the transaction, GO2FILMS will be entitled to transfer the information to any party involved in the dispute.
7.3. GO2FILMS will take reasonable steps to ensure a secure online environment and to protect the information that you provide.
7.4. You may remove your name from GO2FILMS’s mailing list at any time.
- Intellectual Property
8.1. All rights to the site, its design, applications, graphics, images, texts, fonts, trademarks (registered or unregistered,) designed items, photographs, models, feedback and all other materials contained in the website or in the content made available are protected under intellectual property laws and copyright laws, and they exclusively belong to GO2FILMS and/or its copyright owners.
8.2. You may not copy, reproduce, publish, make changes to publicly display or otherwise use the photos and illustrations in the site or in the content, and you may not create any derivative of any content or other displayed materials, and you may not make any other use in and of the elements in the website, unless GO2FILMS provided explicit, written consent to any such action.
- Miscellaneous
9.1. GO2FILMS reserves the right to change the terms of the terms of Use at any time and without prior notice. Changes and adjustments shall apply to purchases made immediately upon posting and onwards. It is recommended that you read the terms of use from time to time to determine whether any such changes are agreeable.
9.2. It is prohibited to interfere with the site and its contents, to download any content which user did not obtain copyright or License right or permission to do so. It is also prohibited to upload codes, “Trojan horses,” viruses, “worms” and all other malicious software. You are also prohibited from planting inappropriate content, threatening language or any language prohibited by law, including defamatory language or language which infringes invasion of privacy.
9.3. The site and the services of GO2FILMS may be linked to other websites. GO2FILMS is not responsible for the content of these sites, the services that they offer, or the quality of the items offered by them. These links do not imply any business connection or relationship between GO2FILMS, and the operators of the linked sites and the use of these sites is your responsibility alone.
9.4. GO2FILMS has the right to deny access to the site or to any part of it at any time at her discretion and without prior notice. GO2FILMS may discontinue operating this website or any content at any time and without prior notice.
9.5. In the case of a dispute concerning this site or any claim concerning a service rendered in the site, the courts in Tel Aviv shall have the exclusive jurisdiction over any such dispute or claim.
9.6. This agreement is solely governed by the laws of the State of Israel.
10. Liability Policy
10.1 The website and its content are provided on an ‘as is’ and ‘as available’ basis without any warranties of any kind, either express or implied. GO2FILMS does not warrant that the website will be uninterrupted or error-free, nor does GO2FILMS make any warranty as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of any content.
10.2 GO2FILMS expressly disclaims all warranties, including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.
10.3 In no event shall GO2FILMS be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of or related to your use of, or inability to use, the website or its content.
10.4 GO2FILMS shall not be liable for any damages resulting from viruses, data loss, errors, omissions, or interruptions in service.
10.5 GO2FILMS is not responsible for any actions or content of third parties, including but not limited to, user-generated content and links to external websites.
10.6 GO2FILMS makes no representations or warranties about the accuracy, completeness, or suitability of the information on the website. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk.
10.7 The content on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice.
10.8 GO2FILMS is not responsible for the content or availability of any external websites linked to from this website. Linking to external websites does not imply endorsement.
10.9 GO2FILMS reserves the right to modify this liability policy at any time. Your continued use of the website following any changes constitutes your acceptance of the new policy.