The Longest Night

  • Israel
  • Docu-Drama
  • 2021
  • 109 min.
  • Director(s): Nadav Schirman
  • Producer(s): Estee Yacov-Mecklberg, Nati Dinnar, Haim Mecklberg


On the brink of the second Passover holiday in 1980, a team of five commandos affiliated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) breaches the northern border fence and infiltrates Kibbutz Misgav Am. Their objective is to seize Kibbutz members as hostages, intending to negotiate the release of prisoners from Israeli jails. However, most Kibbutz residents are absent, attending a concert that night, leaving the community partially deserted. The commandos target a small Kibbutz house, believing it to be a family residence. When they realize this is rather the dormitory for very young children, it’s already too late.

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Nadav Schirman


Estee Yacov-Mecklberg, Nati Dinnar, Haim Mecklberg


Benny Barbash, Uzi Weil


Daniella Nowitz


Yaniv Amodai, Yonatan Weinstein


Actors - Shadi Mar'i, Shira Kedem Katzenelenbogen, Tomer Machluf, Efrat Boimold; Interviewees – Yoav Gat, Bilhaa Gat, Esty Shani, Adi Rapaport

Original Language

Hebrew, Arabic, English


Hebrew, English

Produced with the help of

KAN Israeli Public Broadcasting Corp, Mountaintop Productions, United King Films, Israel Lottery Council For Culture & Arts


KAN Israeli Public Broadcasting Corp

Sound designer

Shai Fahima